Dreame's Innovative Engine.

Dreame's technological journey began in 2015 with our founding team's pioneering work on high-speed digital motors. Evolving into intelligent algorithms, Dreame creates distinctive products that bring joy to users worldwide. Our extensive patent filing portfolio reflects our dedication to pushing technological boundaries.

Dreame's continuous quest for innovation

Pioneering High-Speed Digital Motors

Dreame leads in advanced vacuum and home product performance with cutting-edge digital motors. They have reached mass production of motors operating at up to 160,000RPM and have pioneered motors surpassing 180,000RPM, with proprietary technology achieving 200,000RPM. With over 20 production lines, Dreame produces over 10 million high-speed motors annually, driving growth in the supply chain and the broader ecosystem.

Intelligent Algorithms

Dreame has advanced in smart algorithm development, leading in technologies like SLAM and 3D structured light. These innovations are applied to products featuring speech recognition and precision navigation. Dreame's smart recognition algorithm, refined through over 4 million data sets and 35 iterations, enables Dreame Bots to recognise surroundings, objects, humans, and pets.

Advanced Fluid Mechanics

Dreame's fluid mechanics team deploys technologies such as 12-cone cyclonic separation, air cooling, and fluid
pipeline optimisation to minimise noise and prevent loss of suction power. By engineering smooth flow paths, air intake, water output, and fluid movement trends can be accurately calculated
so Dreame products can automatically optimize cleaning performance.

World Leading in Aesthetics Design

Dreame's diverse product design portfolio is shaped by over 100 top designers from prestigious institutions like the China Academy of Art, the Royal College of Art, and Imperial College London. With a global perspective and continuous innovation, Dreame creates disruptive design solutions focused on enhancing the interaction between products, surroundings, and users, delivering aesthetics, pleasure, and luxury to a global audience.

Dreame's Reach Across 120 Countries

Over 21 million households have trusted Dreame products in over 120 countries and regions, including China, the United States, Germany, France, and South Korea. We now have a network of more than 4,000 physical stores and more than 7.5 million channel members.